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Selectmen's Minutes 07/02/2007

July 2, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W. White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Fred Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

OTHERS:  Peter Urbach, Linda Urbach, Carolyn Stoddard, Barbara Cooper, Bennie Cooper, Nancy Clark, Donna Gazelle, Robin Pollard,


Fred Gallup gave the Board an update on the perambulation of the Goshen and Sunapee town line.  He informed the Board that Mr. Flannigan will represent the Town of Goshen.  They will be meeting this coming Wednesday.  Fred Gallup explained to those present that a perambulation is outlined in the State RSA’s and requires that each town walk and agree upon their boundaries every seven years.  He stated that this is a difficult thing to do and because the markers are dated, and it appears that as time goes on, the perambulation date is further and further apart.  The last time Goshen and Sunapee did a perambulation that he can find in the records was in 1933.

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Tony Bergeron began training on the GPS mapping.  This will be a valuable piece of equipment for future perambulations.

The Selectmen thanked Fred Gallup for doing the perambulations for the town.

Peter Urbach wished to congratulate Donna Nashaway for all of the work she has done in planning and designing a new basement meeting room.  D.  Nashawaty received a round of applause from the audience.  D. Nashawaty pointed out to those present the layout of the room.  Police Chief Cahill stated that D. Nashawaty deserves the recognition but wants everyone to know that the new maintenance man, Craig Heino, should also be recognized, as he did most of the labor on the meeting room.  He stated that C. Heino’s craftsmanship is excellent.   Donna Nashawaty agreed adding that C. Heino did all of the carpentry in the basement.


To be discussed later in the meeting.

Board of Selectmen
July 2, 2007


June 18, 2007

Motion was moved and seconded (White/Roach) to approve the minutes.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


1.  Appointment of Library Trustee

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that at a meeting of the Library Trustees held June 18, 2007 , the Trustees voted to ask that the Selectmen appointment Steven Fair as a Abbott Library Trustee.  P. Urbach informed the Board that S. Fair has lived in Sunapee for 3 to 4 years and has filled out a resident form.  The question was asked if S. Fair was a registered voter.  Peter Urbach responded that he was not, but was planning to register very soon.  Emma Smith stated that in the future, before the Board takes action to appoint someone to a board or committee that they be required to come to a Selectmen’s meeting so that the Board may meet the individual.  Richard Leone voiced his concern that Steven Fair was not on the voter list.  He realizes it is not illegal for the Selectmen to appoint individuals who are not, but feels uncomfortable with this.  He would like to make it a requirement that members of boards and committees be required to fill out a resident form and a voter’s card.  Stephen White stated that he would not like to require individuals to be on the voter check list if they wished to serve on a board or committee.  He felt that this was too harsh.   Fred Gallup stated that he felt that in this instance since it was an elected office, not an appointed office, perhaps a requirement to be on the checklist should apply.   William Roach stated that he agreed with F. Gallup that this is a position that will need to be voted on in March.   He would approve the appointment on the contingent  that the individual sign up to be a voter.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Leone) to approve the appointment of Steven Fair as a trustee to the Abbott Library Trustees contingent upon his becoming a registered voter in Sunapee.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Donna Nashawaty asked when she should bring someone in to meet the Board.  She explained that there are three types of appointments; renewals, new appointments to a non-elected position or new appointments to an elected position.  D. Nashawaty will compile a list of all the committees and boards for the Selectmen to review for discussion at a later meeting.  

Board of Selectmen
July 2, 2007


A.  Police Chief David Cahill

Chief Cahill informed the Board that Travis Trybulski who has been an officer for the Town of Sunapee for seven years, resigned because he needed to receive additional training and could not fit this into the hours he was putting in for Sunapee.  Chief Cahill and officers presented T. Trybulski with a recognition plaque for his excellent and professional service to the community from the year 2000 to the present.  Officer Trybulski received a round of applause.

Chief Cahill also reported to the Board that Tim Puchtler has graduated from the full time police academy and is now certified in Sunapee as full time.  T. Puchtler received a round of applause.  

Chief Cahill explained to the board his policy to give an award to any of his officers for acts of bravery, on or off duty, with the Sunapee Police Department.   The award is called the “gallantry star” and is awarded to any officer that acts in the arrest of an armed person.  On May 25th, Officer David Ackerman, Lt. Joseph Collins, Officer Jeff Downing and K-9 Baron responded to an apartment building where a man was holding a woman against her will.  The man was armed with two knives and threatened to kill the officers.  The man was eventually taken in custody with no injuries to anyone and he merits this to the actions of his officers.  The officers received a round of applause.

Donna Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that congratulations are due to Chief Cahill and his family because they now have a new member, Mia Haven Cahill.   All present gave the Chief their congratulations.

Chief Cahill presented the Board with a report of the activities and statistics of his department with comparisons back to 2005.  A copy of his report is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  Stephen White stated he would like to have the Selectmen given the same report at the end of 2007.  The Chief will provide this.  Chief Cahill reported further on items purchased that were approved at the March 2007 Town Meeting.  He also reported that the department has received grants from the NH Highway Safety Agency and the Attorney Generals Office.  The total amount of grant money received to date for 2007 is $34,480.  These monies were used to purchase equipment and assist with payment for hourly wages.  Chief Cahill reported to the Board that he received over $16,000 in private donations to purchase guns, which included the purchase of the taser guns.  He expressed his appreciation to the individuals who assisted his department in purchasing this needed equipment.  Chief Cahill reported personnel changes in his department.  Not only has Travis Trybulski resigned, his secretary Brenda Chamberlain also resigned in June.  He has hired Teresa Mastin in this position.  She was the police secretary in the Town of Grantham for 6 years.  Chief Cahill reported that 37 children
Board of Selectmen
July 2, 2007

this year were certified in the DARE program at the school.  The state police who run the DARE program evaluated Sunapee’s DARE officer, David Ackerman, and stated that he was doing an excellent job and had a good relationship with the children.  Chief Cahill reported on responses made by his department to date.  Sunapee police are on the Car 54 List for 2008, which would provide an automated system in a police car which allows the Officer to activate the lights, siren, etc through voice.  The program also gives computers, light bars and radar for the car.  The officers have started their 5 hour foot patrol in the harbor where parking has been enforced.  Chief Cahill stated he would like the town to be the owner of all of the parking at the harbor so it may be legally enforced.  The private parking lots cannot be legally enforced by his men.  He suggested that the town lease these private lots for the active time during the summer at the harbor.  He could then enforce the parking limit.  William Roach stated that the Board of Directors of Sunapee Riverway voted to give the Town permission to enforce the Town’s ordinance of the 2 hour limit parking and asked if that would solve the problem.  Chief Cahill stated that in order to legally enforce the limit, he would have to have something in writing and believes the best way to accomplish this would be to lease the lots.  He feels the town is putting themselves in jeopardy by not doing this.  Stephen White suggested that this item be discussed at a later meeting.  William Roach agreed and stated another item that needs discussion is to add the wording on all parking signs below to read “no over night parking”.

B.  Public Hearing:  Cable TV Franchise

Donna Nashawaty introduced Lisa Birminghan, a representative from Comcast.  She gave the Selectmen an overview and outline of the franchise agreement.  The agreement provides digital cable TV, high speed internet connection and voice through the internet among other services.  A copy of the franchise is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  The franchise seeks an extension and Comcast is asking the Board’s approval on this to what ever amount of time they would like; 3 months, or 4 months. Discussion was held on the channels Comcast offers and the monthly fee to customers.

C.  Donna Gazelle:  Beautification Committee

Donna Gazelle was present to update the Board on activities of the committee.  The committee planted a tree as part of the Russell Memorial.  A bench will be put in place and there will be a plaque that reads “this is a sheltering tree”.   This is all being paid by donations from friends and family.  A second tree was also planted.  It is a blue spruce and is called a “Fat Albert”.  This will be planted to fill in a space left by two spruce trees that are diseased and need to be removed.  A bench will also be placed near this tree.  D. Gazelle also reported that plant boxes were but in place on the bridge with the assistance of the Highway Department.  She complemented the Highway Department stating that they did a beautiful job.  Posts with chains will also be put into place by the end of the

Board of Selectmen
July 2

week.  D.  Gazelle reported that the next project for the committee is to complete the repairs to the walkway along the Ben Mere driveway.  They are able to do this through
donations as well.   D. Gazelle stated that the grass needs attention, but this will not be worked on until the end of the summer.    D. Gazelle informed the Board that the Beautification Committee plans to give awards for private gardens that are very pretty.  The award will be called the “Outstanding Garden” award.  A plaque will be presented and also a letter of commendation.  D. Gazelle reported that the committee would like to install lighting at the Ben Mere Bandstand.  It would be a very subtle, soft glow, up-lighting.  She presented pictures of what they would look like.  The cost for the lights, with a discount, is $1,900.  The trust fund of John McGrath contains $1,500 and the family would like to donate that towards payment of the lights.  They have requested that the lights be installed by the 13th of August because that is the anniversary of the original dedication of the Bandstand.  The committee would pay the remaining $400.00.  D. Nashawaty read a memo from the Police Chief saying that he supports the lighting at the bandstand because it would aid in security to the area and deter criminal activity.  Donna Gazelle wished to express the committee’s appreciation for all of the assistance the Road Agent, Tony Bergeron, and the maintenance man, Craig Heino has extended to them.  She also stated that the committee is receiving great support from the community and wishes to thank those people as well.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Gallup) to approve the lighting that is not part of the original plan that increases the security of the area, as recommended by the Police Chief.  Fred Gallup asked who the individual was that held the McGrath Trust Fund.  The response was the trust is held by Marlene McGrath.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  William Roach wished to state that he has received comments from the residents about the flowers on the bridge.  People have told him that the flowers are beautiful.  



A.  Cable TV Franchise Interim Contract

Donna Nashawaty explained that the cable contract gives the Board the right to say tell Comcast how many connections they need to install within a certain area.  It does set the length they need to set up within the area to each household.  The Board can also regulate the public access channel.  Motion was made and seconded to authorize the Town Manager to sign the extended franchise agreement to January 30, 2008.  The motion carried.

A lengthy discussion followed regarding the pros and cons of cable service vs. satellite dish followed.

Board of Selectmen
July 2, 2007

Emma Smith raised the issue of Dewey beach and a memo that was sent to all Board members from Recreation Director, Scott Blewitt.  The Selectmen gave their support to Scott Blewitt for the changes on age requirements at Dewey beach.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved_______________

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                     Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_____________________________                   _____________________________
William Roach                                               Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup